Planet Generation Shader

Your regular old earth-like planet. The shader generates light on the dark side of planets using a population slider.

Your regular old earth-like planet. The shader generates light on the dark side of planets using a population slider.

A cold planet with a high ocean level.

A cold planet with a high ocean level.

A high temperature island world.

A high temperature island world.

It can also generate Mercator-projection maps.

It can also generate Mercator-projection maps.

Or generate entirely alien planets!

Or generate entirely alien planets!

Or more realistic chunks of rock...

Or more realistic chunks of rock...

Personal project - a planet generator using some simple noise textures and a very large and slow shader. Done mostly to see if I could generate something that looked good and felt somewhat realistic as a planet generator entirely in a shader.

The shader works by sampling all the 3D noise textures to generate temperature, humidity, and height textures. It uses these to pick between different biome colors and generate a normal map for the surface derived from the height.